Tech Support

What We Support

The tech support services we provide include but are not limited to, the following:

  • Software Applications

  • Student Information System

  • Operating System Platforms

  • Hardware

  • Connectivity

The Education Technology Help Desk, and Field Technical Support Specialists do not provide support for personal desktops, laptops, cell phones, printers, network configurations, or any third party, non-District-approved software.

VWSD may provide the privilege of Internet access, desktop computers, mobile computers or devices, videoconferencing capabilities, online collaboration capabilities, email, and more. The Acceptable Use Policy applies to both District-owned technology equipment utilizing the VWSD network, the VWSD Internet connection, and/or private networks/Internet connections accessed from District-owned devices at any time.

This Acceptable Use Policy also applies to privately-owned devices accessing the VWSD network, the VWSD internet connection, and/or private networks/Internet connections while on school property or participating in school functions or events. The VWSD policies outlined in this document cover all available technologies now and in the future, not just those specifically listed or currently available.

VWSD purchases and supports the use of technology for educators to use for instruction, preparation, and conducting school supported activities. The storage of all district and school level data is to be accessed and stored in specified locations which will include cloud based storage. The use of personally owned devices is permitted on the VWSD_Guest network only. Personally owned devices will not be supported by district technology staff. The VWSD_Guest network will be disabled during times of state testing. 


Having trouble connecting to the network, the Office of Education Technology is here to help.  Stop by our office in the Maintenance Warehouse room T1 or call the helpdesk at 601-619-4707. Although we are not permitted to work on broken or damaged computers, we can provide guidance and give advice on virus/malware clean up and hardware related issues.


Office of Education Technology can work on hardware or software related issues. We need to verify the VWSD asset tag number on the District-owned Devices. Faculty/Staff members can contact our help desk at 601 -619-4707 or 

Troubleshooting Tips

Office of Education Technology ,  Vicksburg Warren School District, 1500 Mission 66, Vicksburg, MS 39180 /  Maintenance Warehouse, Office T1

Office Hours:  8-4 Monday-Friday * Phone: 601-619-4707

Need computer help, contact our Help Desk – 601-619-4707 or send an email to